Hillary Clinton new pictures

Hillary Clinton A little over two years ago, Ready For Hillary began with two volunteers and a P.O. box. The goal was simple: channel the enthusiasm for a potential Hillary campaign in every corner of the country and convert it into a movement capable of sending Hillary to the White House in 2016.
Today we've achieved that goal by building an unprecedented grassroots movement with over 4 million identified supporters and more than 135,000 donors, who have made over 215,000 separate contributions. We have raised over $15 million and received more than 55,000 contributions of the symbolic $20.16. Ready for Hillary has held over 1,300 events in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, and with Democrats Abroad in 5 different countries. This movement has also received the backing of hundreds of elected officials all across the country. Together, we sent the unmistakable and undeniable message that America is ready for Hillary — we could not have done it with you!
We cannot say thank you enough to the more than 4 million individuals who stepped up and said they were Ready! We also have a special thank you to the members of our National Finance Council who helped to provide a strong foundation for this effort.

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