fast and furious 7 pic

After breaking into the secure hospital where a comatose Owen Shaw is being held, Owen's older brother, Deckard Shaw, swears vengeance against "the team that crippled his brother". Meanwhile, Dominic Toretto, Brian O'Conner, and the rest of the crew, having been able to return to the United States after securing amnesties from Luke Hobbs, are now trying to live normal lives again. Dom attempts to help Letty regain her memories by taking her back to Race Wars and to her old grave, while Brian is reluctantly accustoming himself to life as a father with Mia.
Soon, Shaw breaks into Hobbs' secure DSS office to extract profiles of Dom's crew, but is caught by Hobbs. After revealing his identity, Shaw engages Hobbs in a fight, and escapes when he detonates a bomb that sends Hobbs and his partner, Elena Neves, flying out of the building and onto the roof of a car. Severely injured, Hobbs is rushed to hospital by Elena, who escaped serious injury. Meanwhile, Dom learns from his sister Mia that she is pregnant again; despite her objections, he convinces her to tell Brian about it. Their heart to heart is interrupted by a phone call: Deckard Shaw, calling immediately after having killed Han, formerly of their crew, in Tokyo. This tips off Dom that the package he has seen on his doorstep is, in fact a disguised bomb; it explodes, destroying the Toretto house but leaving Brian and his family unharmed. Dom later visits Hobbs in hospital, where he learns that Shaw is a rogue special forces assassin seeking to avenge his brother. Dom then travels to Tokyo to claim Han's body, where he meets and races Sean Boswell (Black), a friend of Han's. Sean gives Dom personal items of Han's found at the crash site; among them, a cross necklace that Dom had previously given Letty.
Back at Han's funeral in Los Angeles, where crew members Roman Pearce and Tej Parker watch on, Roman remarks that he doesn't want to go to any more funerals; Brian vows that there is still one more to go – Shaw's. Dom notices a car, driven by Deckard Shaw, observing the burial, and chases after it. After the two collide head-on in their vehicles, Dom prepares to fight, but Shaw pulls a gun on him. Shaw then slips away when a covert ops team, led by "Mr. Nobody"and Sheppard, arrive. "Nobody" informs Dom that he will assist him in stopping Shaw if he helps him prevent a terrorist named Mose Jakande from obtaining God's Eye, a computer program that can use digital devices to track a specific person, and save its creator, a hacker named Ramsey, from Jakande's men. Dom recruits Brian, Letty, Roman and Tej to help him. However, Mia makes Brian promise her that after Shaw is dealt with, he will dedicate himself to raising their son full-time.
To rescue Ramsey, the team airdrops their cars over the Caucasus Mountains, ambush Jakande's convoy (with difficulty), and rescues Ramsey, finding out that she is a young woman. They then head to Abu Dhabi, where a billionaire has acquired the flash drive containing God's Eye. The team breaks into his penthouse and manage to steal the flash drive. On both occasions, the team is pursued by Shaw, who engages in combat with Dom, and the team barely manages to escape alive.
With God's Eye, the team manages to track down Shaw, who is waiting at a remote factory in Yemen. Dom, Brian, "Nobody", and his covert ops unit attempt to capture Shaw, but are ambushed by Jakande and his militants, who have allied with Shaw. In the ensuing battle, the men with "Nobody", including Sheppard, are killed, and "Nobody" is seriously injured, though he manages to escape with Toretto and Brian while Jakande obtains God's Eye from Sheppard's corpse. On their way out of the country, "Nobody" warns Dom and Brian that Jakande will use God's Eye to hunt Ramsey down, and they drive off, leaving "Mr. Nobody" behind at his own request to be evacuated by helicopter. Left with no other choice, the team decides to return to Los Angeles to fight Shaw, Jakande and his men on their home turf. Dom plans to confront Shaw alone while Brian and the rest of the crew prepare to deal with Jakande and regain control of God's Eye. While preparing, Brian calls Mia; she finally reveals to him that she is pregnant with their second child, a girl.
While Jakande pursues Brian and the rest of the crew with a stealth attack helicopter and unmanned aerial vehicle, using God's Eye to track down Ramsey, the team uses Ramsey to hack into God's Eye while sharing her mobile between their vehicles. Hobbs, seeing the team in trouble, breaks out of the hospital (and his arm cast) and destroys the UAV by ramming it with an ambulance he is driving. After Brian manages to manually reroute the program's signal, Ramsey successfully completes the hack, regains control of God's Eye and shuts it down. Meanwhile, Dom and Shaw engage in a one-on-one brawl on top of a parking garage, before Jakande intervenes and attacks them both, and Shaw is apprehended when part of the parking garage collapses on him. Dom then engages in battle with Jakande and launches his vehicle at his helicopter with him in it, narrowly missing, but successfully manages to toss a bag of grenades on board, before getting himself injured when his car lands and crashes. Hobbs then shoots the bag of grenades from ground level, destroying the helicopter and killing Jakande. When Dom remains unconscious, the team fears that he is dead. As Letty cradles Dom's body in her arms, she reveals that she has regained her memories, and that she remembers their marriage ceremony, which happened unbeknownst to the rest of the crew. Dom regains consciousness soon after, remarking, "It's about time."
Shaw is taken into custody by Hobbs and locked away in a secret, high-protection CIA prison. Meanwhile, at a beach, Brian and Mia play with their son while Dom, Letty, Roman and Tej observe, appreciating their happiness and acknowledging that Brian is better off retired with his family. Dom silently leaves, and Brian catches up to him at a stop sign. As Dom remembers the times that he had with Brian, they drive together for a stretch before arriving at an intersection, where Brian exits the main road and drives off into the distance.

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